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Aptera Community Aptera Discussions Aptera Spiritual Ancestors Reply To: Aptera Spiritual Ancestors

  • ray-holan

    October 12, 2021 at 4:50 pm

    It’s been a long strange trip. I had a deposit on one of these. Reports of problems with early production examples convinced me to get my deposit back after waiting for about a year for the factory to deliver. The company went bankrupt soon after.

    To bring the Corbin story up to date, Dana Myers, an Ohio businessman, bought the assets of Corbin Sparrow once that California-based company went belly up. Mr. Myers is apparently still in business with a more refined version(s) at:

    Have no idea about how good, bad, or indifferent his latest version are in production form. Guess the moral of the story is that it’s not easy to produce a low-volume EV and stay in business.