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Aptera Community Aptera Discussions One pedal driving Reply To: One pedal driving

  • joshua-rosen

    September 23, 2021 at 7:26 am

    I thought I would miss blended braking when I moved from the Volt to the Model 3 but I haven’t. The Volt had regen paddles that control the level of regen braking as well as blended braking on the brake pedal. The Model 3 just has really strong regen braking when you lift your foot off of the accelerator and the brake pedal is just the friction brakes. I’ve decided that I like the way Model 3 does it much better. I hardly ever use the brake pedal on the 3 and when I do it’s either a light tap at a stop light (usually not necessary) or because I really have to stop. Tesla kept it simple, they made one pedal driving work so well that you can use it almost all of the time which means that they avoided the complexity of making blended braking work on the brake pedal. The blended brake on the Volt eventually did work but the brakes were the reason that I had my car in the shop several times during my first few months of ownership because it kept throwing brake warning lights. Chevy kept trying to adjust the brakes but the eventual solution was a firmware update. Blended braking is hard to do right and as it turns out it isn’t necessary if you do one pedal driving correctly.