Reply To: Aptera Insurance, Finance and Payment info

Aptera Community Aptera Discussions Aptera Insurance and Financing Info Reply To: Aptera Insurance, Finance and Payment info

Aptera Community Aptera Discussions Aptera Insurance and Financing Info Reply To: Aptera Insurance, Finance and Payment info

  • john-malcom

    August 11, 2021 at 3:04 pm

    No major insurance company will insure any vehicle until they have completed a risk assessment on it which requires a lot of data on the vehicle to include the results of safety and other testing. They assess the probability of a chargeable accident and the cost of repairs in the context of the geographical location of the vehicle. If a new vehicle with little or no historical data, the rates will be high.

    Some one off insurance companies that specialize in insuring kit or replica cars will insure but rates will be higher than mainstream cars.

    We need to wait until a production ready Aptera is available and specs and testing data is furnished to insurance companies.

    I am sure Aptera management is aware of this and the steps needed are incorporated in their schedule for delivery vehicles